My name is Lev Janashvili, and I created M2 Dialogue to “find the others” who don’t need me to tell them that “culture is not your friend”. By this, I don’t mean that I’m looking for readers, contributors and Founding Members who have spent as much time as I did — more than a decade ago — listening to Terence McKenna’s engrossing talks. But I’d like to find others who would confidently place check marks next to the following two statements:
They understand that the widely used maps of our terra incognita are approximately as accurate as the maps of the world drawn before the Copernican revolution.
They feel irrepressibly drawn to dialogue as a uniquely rewarding response to the influence of bad maps on our life and work.
For these kindred spirits, here’s how I summed up M2D as I prepared to launch the publication on Sunday, January 1, 2023:
M2D explores our individual, institutional and collective responses to the widening gap between our stories and realities, theories and experiences.
Call to Action
M2D invites readers, contributors and clients to conscious dialogue at the intersection of matter and metaphor where we help each other move toward a new harmonies by: 1) Naming the Problem, 2) Naming the Cure, and 3) Naming the Price.
M2D seeks to continually rename worlds in transition and develop superior alternatives to obsolete and corrupted taxonomies and nomenclatures.
Editorial Calendar
In 2023, the renaming of worlds begins with the naming of problems and an exploration of the problem with “problems”. I am primarily pursuing this inquiry through:
A serialized book provisionally titled Naming the Problem: The Quest for Redemption from Fractal Falsehood. I intend to add chapters to this book on the first of every month.
Monthly essays based on a deep reading of my sources, highlighting my latest discoveries in the study of individual and institutional responses to the ongoing renaming of our world.
Unplanned posts and experiments with audio and video formats and other Substack features that spark ideas.
“Naming the Cure” and “Naming the Price” are in earlier stages of development.
My Bio: In Brief
M2D grew out of my 26-year career in corporate communications, a lifelong study of the psyche, and a mind-bending struggle with Understanding Media.
Reasons to Subscribe
Subscribe because the subject interests you, the call to action appeals to you, and you share the vision. The publisher, at the very least, gives you no immediate cause to turn away and explore this vision elsewhere.
If you already feel you came to the right place, I invite you to join me in dialogue, whether as a free or paying subscriber, a contributor or a Founding Member.
Otherwise, feel free to learn more in Co-creating What We Can’t Find: The Potential of Conscious Dialogue.
Caveat Emptor
M2D isn't for everyone, but it may be a fruitful addition to your information diet if:
You feel drawn to the intersection of matter and metaphor, but you also understand that strange things happen in this terra incognita, including encounters with angels and demons and conversations with shadowy participants in the post-reality circus.
You honor the post-ideological spirit reigning in “Rumi's Garden”.
You understand that, despite my best efforts, I do make mistakes, in part because I write without editors, fact-checkers or proofreaders. If anything I write or say inspires you to take action, you’ll first do your own homework and check the facts. Also, I welcome corrections and other constructive feedback.
In the words of Hermann Hesse: "I'm beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn't pleasant, it's not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.”
Updates - February 19, 2023
My work on M2D led to the creation of more focused/specialized Substacks.
Dialogue as a Service (DaaS) - Through DaaS, I started exploring healthier alternatives to the perversion of dialogue in established advisory arts, including both mainstream and alternative medicine. Over the past year, I’ve focused largely on the crisis in mainstream medicine. Next year, I may focus increasingly on the need for what I call meta-alternatives (i.e., alternatives to alternatives). My intention is to expose the life-threatening risks behind the latest masks of iatrogenic harm.
The Medium Is the Message (MISM) - MISM is my book club dedicated to Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan. My goal for next year is to publish paragraph-by-paragraph readings of every chapter of this seminal work.
BS"D - I've described BS"D as a blog about “Jews Among Jews”, but I welcome subscriptions from Jews and non-Jews alike.
End of Theory (EoT) is my invitation-only Substack dedicated to genre-bending experimentation and the continued development and commercialization of bullshit-conversion technologies.